About Me

I’m Sloane Elizabeth!

An international food freedom coach dedicated to guiding women toward liberation from the shackles of binge eating, restrictive diets, and the ceaseless cycle of guilt and obsession.

Transform Your Relationship with Food

In a world where food often feels like a battleground and our bodies like the enemy, I understand how lonely and exhausting it can feel to struggle with food - and I also know how life-changing, peaceful, and freeing it feels to have a healed, healthy relationship with food. 


My journey to becoming an international Food Freedom Coach, author, podcaster, and speaker was paved with many personal struggles and life-changing light bulb moments.

As a pre-med student at Vanderbilt University, I initially approached disordered eating from a purely scientific standpoint - I learned the science behind why carbs are not the enemy and how our metabolism actually works (the *boosting* powders are a waste of money!). Yet, I soon discovered that traditional approaches to nutrition and psychology only scratched the surface of healing.

My own battle with food—counting calories, hating my body, and chasing after every fad diet—taught me that the roots of our struggles often lie much deeper beneath the surface of food, tangled in subconscious beliefs related to control, perfectionism, and self-worth, and safety.

It wasn't until I embraced spirituality, intuition, and the transformative power of subconscious reprogramming that I found true freedom and created my Eat with Love & Intuitionhealing method.

Armed with a holistic arsenal blending nutritional science, psychology, and biology with practices like reiki energy healing, inner child work, and somatic healing, I embarked on a mission to empower women to reclaim their birthright: a joyful, intuitive relationship with food and their bodies.

Since founding my practice in 2019, I've walked alongside over 370 clients of all ages, witnessing firsthand the profound shifts that occur when we embrace our innate intuition and heal from within. If you're tired of feeling trapped in the relentless cycle of food struggles, know that you're not alone, and there is a way out. Together, we can navigate the path to freedom, one nourishing step at a time.

Physical Health.

Mental Health.

Soul Health.

Physical Health. Mental Health. Soul Health.

Qualifications & Credentials

  • Bachelor's degree in Medicine, Health & Society from Vanderbilt University

  • Pursuing a Masters in Holistic Clinical Nutrition at Maryland University of Integrative Health

  • Certified Yoga Teacher

  • Certified Reiki Pratitioner

  • Commitment to integrating ancient practices with cutting-edge science for a holistic approach to healing

I bring together energy healing and body-based practices, ensuring that my clients receive comprehensive, 360 degree care they can trust to support their mind, body, and soul health.


The Fun Stuff


I minored in French and have made it a goal to visit Paris every year!


I manifested my dream golden retriever puppy named Rio


I’ve lived in Los Angeles, Nashville, Miami, NYC, and Sydney Australia!

Ready to Break the Cycle?

Transform Your Relationship with Food